Message Behind MNIF

Hi, I am MoRhonda the creator of My Natural is Fly LLC - MNIF. My brand has a two-fold message:

1. My brand stands for the authentic way of one’s natural state. You see I often felt like the person God created me to be was null & void. But as I live this Christian experience I realize day-by-day that ‘MY NATURAL IS FLY’ in the eyesight of the Beholder. Therefore, no matter who you are - your natural is fly in the eyes of the Beholder as well.

2. My brand stands for ‘JOURNEY TO FREEDOM’ from my 9 to 5 in corporate America; and for all who have chosen and are choosing entrepreneurship over a 9-5 (no matter why they chose it). You see I created this brand as a means to provide for me and my sons. I’m a single, middle-aged Black woman who decided that ‘freedom of time’ (being with my children) is more valuable than working sun-up to sun-down in corporate America building their wealth and not mine. I would literally be so mentally drained that I had no valued time to give to my children. So, what ‘JOURNEY TO FREEDOM’ looks like for me is, having time for my children; being in their lives providing guidance and nourishment as their mother; as I also build a life of entrepreneurship (mompreneur) to provide for us. I am not only able to spend true quality time with them, but I can also homeschool my son as I’ve always wanted to do.

So, I WELCOME each and every one of you to the MNIF experience, in expressing your own Natural is fly and your own JOURNEY TO FREEDOM - no matter your reason.


Owner & Operator of My Natural is Fly LLC-MNIF